Build a profitable business that's fun to run!

Helping you take the hassle out of your hustle!

Why BizChicks?

Our passion is to help small and emerging entrepreneurs and business leaders collaborate, connect, share and grow with other like minded individuals. All in a safe-to-share environment.We started BizChicks because we were tired of the confusing crap courses and programs we encountered. These courses and programs were supposed to help small and emerging entrepreneurs. Not only were they confusing and difficult to do, they were expensive. We knew we could do better.We offer strategies, tools and techniques that are simple to understand and easy to apply. Our goal is to help 1000 women take the hassle out of their hustle and build a profitable business that's fun to run!

What we offer:

Monthly Meet-ups
Small Group Sessions
1 to 1 Coaching
Tech Support
Tech Services
Media Services
Weekly Live Broadcasts:
Mon - Fri 8am PST - via

Join the BizChicks Community

Every entrepreneur and business owner needs three things; a coach, a cheerleader and a community. You can find all three right here at

BizChicks needs you!

You have a skill set that only you possess. We need you. Share your genius with us!

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